Theses theologice : de sÿncera ac solida verbi Dei in religionis potissimum controuersijs dirimendis interpretatione ad publicam disputationem propositae, [1588 Jan. 31].


Theses theologice : de sÿncera ac solida verbi Dei in religionis potissimum controuersijs dirimendis interpretatione ad publicam disputationem propositae, [1588 Jan. 31].

Unsigned ms. transcription, probably from around 1588, of a thesis presented in Regensburg on Jan. 31, 1588, concerning the legitimacy and infallibility of the Holy Scriptures, and the authority of the Bble to resolve controversy and questions of heresy.

[8] leaves, sewn ; 21 cm.


SNAC Resource ID: 7599781

Newberry Library

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There are 2 Entities related to this resource.

Universitat Regensburg. (corporateBody)

Hübner, Alexis, (person)